Wednesday, May 24, 2017

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Couples Workshop

Romantic Love is the single greatest energy system in the Western psyche. In our culture,…it is the arena in which men and women seek meaning, transcendence, wholeness and ecstasy.”  Robert A. Johnson, We (p. xi)

The “Dance of the Couple”

A Couples Workshop (individuals welcome) Sherman Oaks
Saturday, July 1st, 2017, 8:30 AM-12:30 PM
Joan Jutta Lachkar, Ph.D. and Richard Seigle, M.D.

This workshop explores healthy romantic love and intimacy and how living with people with personality disorders (narcissist, borderline) can destroy its capacity. It offers specific approaches and techniques to explain the psychodynamics of the couple. It also explores how and why couples stay in painful, conflictual, destructive, never ending, relationships, traumatic bonding or what Dr. Lachkar refers to as “The Dance” (how one partner projects a negative feeling onto the other and how the other then identifies or over-identifies with it). This workshop is based on numerous articles and books on treatment of the narcissistic personality disorder particularly as it affects interpersonal love relations. Even though this workshop focuses mainly on narcissism, the narcissistic does not live alone but overlaps with many other personality disorders. Much has been written about narcissism, addressing not only its theoretical aspects, the psychodynamics and defense mechanisms within the spectrum of various kinds of narcissists. But few have addressed how to actually communicate with one and how their defenses destroy the capacity to maintain an intimate loving relationship. This workshop is suitable for couples or half couples willing to explore aspects of intimacy, communication, and mindfulness. We then explore common complaints that create conflict in couples and their resolution.

Joan Jutta Lachkar, Ph.D. is a licensed Marriage and Family therapist in private practice in Sherman Oaks, California, an affiliate member for the New Center for Psychoanalysis, is the author of The Narcissistic/Borderline Couple:  Psychoanalytic Perspective on Marital Treatment, The Many Faces of Abuse: Treating the Emotional Abuse of High-Functioning Women, The V-Spot, How to Talk to a Narcissist,  How to Talk to a Borderline, and the Disappearing Male, and New Approach to Marital Therapy. This workshop is based on Dr. Lachkar's twenty-five years of clinical experience including groundbreaking articles and books on couple’s therapy and many theoretical perspectives including classical psychoanalysis, self-psychology, ego psychology, objective relations, attachment theory, and contemporary theorists.

Richard Seigle, M.D., has worked with individuals and couples for over 40 years.  His background includes physical, spiritual and psychological modalities.  Currently, Richard lives mindfully in Joshua Tree, CA.

$100.00 per couple, $50.00 per single 



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 For Further Information Please contact:
Joan Jutta Lachkar, Ph.D.
818 290 3390 (office)
310 413 9593 (cell)
"The Dance of the Couple"

Workshop Schedule.  
Saturday,July 1st 2017
8:00 - 8:25                    Registration and Continental Breakfast
8:30 - 9:00                    Welcome and Introductory Comments
                                     Ground Rules / Group Introductions
9:00 - 10:15                  Defining Couple Therapy          
                                     Defining the Narcissist His/Her Majesty the Narcissist
                                     Different Types of Narcissist (Pathological, Malignant, Antisocial, Depressive, OCD,   
                                     Passive-Aggressive (The “Poor Me” Victim, The Artist, the Cross-Cultural)     
10:15 - 10:30                Coffee Break
10:30 - 12:00                The Dance, the Bond and the Drama of the Couple
Why People Stay Bonded to Painful Relationships
                                    Psychodynamics of the Couple (shame vs. guilt, envy vs. jealousy etc.)
                                    Communication Techniques –
Language of Empathology
How to Listen (or not listen)
Case/Role Play/Group Exercise           
12:00-12-30                  Tavistock Method/Closing Thoughts
