Complaints that Bring Couples into Treatment
(and other works)
Newport Center for
Psychoanalytic Studies
Presented by
Joan Jutta Lachkar, Ph.D.
Saturday, January
11, 2014, 8:30 AM – 12:30 PM
Buffet Breakfast
Sherman Oaks, CA 91423
818 290 3390 or 310 413 9593
This presentation is based on Dr, Lachkar's
groundbreaking book, Common Complaints
that Bring Couples Into Therapy (2014). It draws from many theoretical perspectives including classical
psychoanalysis, self-psychology, ego psychology, object relations, attachment
theory, contemporary theorists and others. It describes various kinds of
“complainers” when
a complaint is a complaint, when used for evacuation, and how to “listen” to
the complaint as
they link to various personality
disorders. It also includes many treatment points and procedures as it offers specific procedures and techniques to
explain the psychodynamics of the couple e.g., why couples stay in
painful destructive, on-going behaviors also known as traumatic
bonding or “the dance.” Aside from this
work, it has applicability to all kinds of couples including cross-cultural
couples. There is also plenty of opportunity for role play and discussion as
well as case presentations.
• To understand the couples’
mutual projections and how each one tends to identity or over-identify with the
negative projections of the other.
• To understand how old archaic
injuries (“V’ spot”) impairs the couples’ current perspective of reality
(judgment, perception, reality testing)
• When and how to
interpret, confront or intervene
“This new edition of Dr. Joan Lachkar’s work
highlights her meticulous ongoing efforts to define a fascinating clinical
entity from different clinical and theoretical vantage points. This is a highly
well thought out word that is characterized by sound scholarship, considerable clinical
experience and innovativeness. It is to be recommended to all mental health
- James
Grotstein, M.D., Professor of Psychiatry, UCLA School of Medicine