Saturday, January 18, 2020

The Art of Listening or Not Listening, How to Talk to a Narcissist

Welcome to the Art of Listening!
Today we live in a narcissistic society. Everything is me, me, me! Everyone wants their voices to be heard. We all want to talk, but very few want to listen. As analysts, we listen beyond the norm, or what Theodore Reik refers to as “listening with the ‘third ear.’” So how do we listen? Or not listen. Since writing my first edition of How to Talk to a Narcissist, I have expanded the narcissistic personality into eight different types of narcissists. Like many other disorders they are not clear and concise entities and do seep over into other personality disorders. Then I started to ask now that we have all these variations how do we “talk” to them.? Do we just keep them in a chapter and let them fight among themselves?  After writing the 2nd edition I realized that talking is not enough. Someone has to “listen.”  But what do we listen to or listen for? As almost every couple therapist can attest to most of time they are about complaints! The narcissist will complain about everything nothing is good enough or perfect enough, whereas the borderline will complain about being attacked. In this 2nd edition I have expanded beyond how to “talk: to describe eight different way to listen e.g., “objective listening,” “subjective listening,” listening with the third ear” (beyond the words), when “not to listen” (when person is evacuating). The beauty of analytic work is the process of sorting out and weighing the real from the not real, the objective from the subjective, and the reality-based from the intersubjective.'
How to Talk to a Narcissist, 2nd Edition
The Narcissistic/Borderline Couple
Common Complaints that Bring Couples into Treatment
The Disappearing Male
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Monday, January 6, 2020

How to Talk to a Narcissisr, 2nd Edition

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How to Talk to a Narcissist, 2nd Ed

By Joan Jutta Lachkar

Much has been written about narcissism, addressing not only its theoretical aspects, its psychodynamics and defense mechanisms within the spectrum of various kinds of narcissists. Yet, little if anything has been written about how to communicate with one, or what Lachkar refers to as the “Language of Empathology.” This book focuses on the theoretical aspects, the psychodynamics, defense mechanisms within the spectrum of various kinds of narcissism. This is a practical guide that focuses on specific communication styles, as it introduces a new language. The Language of Empathology in addressing patients with narcissistic pathology and the The Language of Dialectics for the borderline - a common partner they often choose.
How to Talk to a Narcissist is designed to be a guide useful to both beginning and seasoned practitioners.  The book is recommended to   all   clinicians treating   individuals, couples, groups, within   the  scope   of   various   narcissistic   personality   disorders.    The    book    has    many   applications, including use as a textbook for universities, clinics, graduate courses, and analytic training   institutes.   People   in business, partnerships, commercial   sales, and   human   resources   will also   find   the approach to communicating with a narcissist most valuable.

 CONTENTS: His Majesty the Narcissist. The Pathological Narcissist. The Malignant Narcissist.  The   Antisocial   Narcissist.   The Depressive Narcissist. The Obsessive-Compulsive Narcissist.   The   Passive-aggressive:   The  Poor Me” Victim.  The Narcissist   the   Artist.  Recapitulation   and   Closing Thoughts.


         Also by Joan Jutta Lachkar

The Narcissistic / Borderline Couple

How to Talk to a Narcissist, 2nd Edition

How to Talk to a Narcississt, 2nd Edition

Today we live in narcissistic society everything is l about me, me and me.  How do you know you are in the presence of a narcissist? All he talks about is himself
Everyone wants their voices to be heard. They all want to talk but no one wants to listen.  As an analyst I have learned how to listen beyond the “normal.” “So how do we not only talk to each other let alone how do we listen?  Or not listen. This extends to all aspects of interpersonal relationships not only  marital partner but family, friends,,relatives,  co-workers and yes even our colleagues. Today things complicated living in the digital age of social mediate, emails, texting, Facebook, Instragram of course Trumps “Twitter.”

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How to Talk to a Narcissist, 2nd Edition View my Video on u Tube

How to Talk to a Narcissist, 2nd Edition

View my Video on U-Tube